Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The New York Times is as obsessed with American Idol as I am.


Seriously, this is the second article they've written on the thing in the last week or so.

I happen to know that Pambdelurion is working on his rebuttal... it might be good to read the article. Virginia Heffernan is basically saying what I've said all along, except more succinctly and persuasively.

ANYWAY... it's gotten personal in the past week, when I discovered first that LaKisha Jones, one of the entrants favored for winning is from Flint. In fact, it turns out I probably was at the same prom as her in 1995. She knew Sam and sang in choir with Emerson.

The Flint Journal has written about it here.

I did not know this two weeks ago when I launched on this defense of a contentious commercial behemoth. As of now, I'm officially biased. For the first time, I will be voting on the show.



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