Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Vernaltide, 29.


It's the first day of Spring! Enjoy it!

I didn't write about my last week yesterday, but it's been so cloudy (not outside; in my head) that I don't know that I will be able to write much more about it today. On Monday I went to the Small Press panel at New School, which is always one of my favorite events they hold. A friend of mine has had a really lousy, lousy time lately, and I went over to hang out... which was actually, not fun, exactly, but very right feeling. I haven't been useful in that capacity in awhile (what I mean by "capacity" is also a little vague; we complained about writers and drank beers) but it seemed to call to mind the best of what high school and college were. On Friday, Jess and I were going to go out and sing karaoke with some friends in the Village, but a winter storm shut that down. Saturday we met up with Scott and Matt at the Reade Street Bar, had about eight Guinness and Bushmills before going on a snowball throwing frenzy across TriBeCa. Highly recommended. On Saturday another old friend contacted me quite out of the blue, and she's had a rough go of it lately, but things seem to be shaping up. Mostly, I'm just glad we're in touch again. Yesterday, my peer group met. Below and around all this, revising, revising, revising. I revised about 40,000 words this past weekend, and the fifth revision is more or less done. But so is my brain and my memory.

It's seems I've remembered more than I thought I would.

Vernal Equinox. Thunder in spring, cold will bring.

In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.
- Margaret Atwood

Two today... one is an outside request. A writer friend of mine is curious how many words were are able to write in a day. Since plenty of people read this blog who are not writers, I expect a wide range of answers. Feel free to interpret the question broadly.

The other question is my own: What would be your quote of the week?



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