Thursday, November 20, 2008

Concept: National Address Tonight.

The Gothic Funk Nation Presents:
National Address
7 PM, Thursday, 20 November
1505 W. Chicago Ave
@ The Mercury Cafe

This month's project: What is all of this "change," anyway?

"In the 60's it was tie-dye and Easy Rider. In the 70's it was polyester and pet rocks. For us it was Slap Bracelets and NES. For my little brother it was Power Rangers and Playstation. So the question is, what do the kids care about these days? Let's talk Zeitgeist, people: who are we and who do we want to be? Discuss."

The National Addressis the Gothic Funk Nation's official reading circle, a safe and friendly place to informally workshop works-in-progress. Consisting of readings and round table discussions, the National Addressaims to provide a forum for writers of all Gothicly Funky stripes and a voice for the Gothic Funk Nation. Attendance is open and participants are welcome to bring unsolicited material.


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