Thursday, March 18, 2004

Urbàntasm Merchandise?!?!


Some of you have made the unfortunate (as you will see) suggestion of suggesting various alternate approaches to Urbàntasm. In the last year, people have suggested alternate-universe fics, T-shirts, movies, soundtracks, and yes, role-playing games. All of which are very flattering, but paramountly, unfeasible.

Except the T-Shirts.

I am obsessed with T-Shirts. Some of you know this. I love them.
I could be persuaded to make a few Urbàntasm T-Shirts.
Hell, I could almost persuade myself to make a few Urbàntasm T-Shirts.

The question is, would any of you be interested in buying an Urbàntasm T-Shirt?
Would you be willing to pay $18 or $20 for such a T-Shirt?*
If not, would you be interested in buying a Euphemism / Immortality / Thorn Sojourn T-Shirt?

And if you were to get a T-Shirt, what would you like to see on it?
I won't do this democratically; any T-Shirts I will design myself, but I will take suggestions seriously.

Drop a comment, or email me (for now) at
Let me know what you think.**

~ Connor

PS. Flint Pride***


* How do I justify charging so much? Because I am sure I will only sell a dozen at most, I cannot afford to lose money on a venture like this right now, and because I need to compensate somewhat for the little time that will go into it. I promise I won't make any money on this, and if I do, maybe, it will be like $20, which I will then spend on one of my own T-Shirts. This way I can also make non-crappy-ass T-Shirts. This way I can also afford to order T-shirts, even if only 3 or 4 people want them.

** Is this an egotistical vanity side-show to compensate for the fact that I don't have anything published and maybe won't for awhile? Maybe. I won't even argue with such a statement, except to say that after so long working on something, you long to see some tangible fruit of your efforts... even if it's just a dozen T-shirts.

*** Yes. If anyone wants T-Shirts, I will be ordering them from "Flint City T-Shirts" and thus contribute to my hometowns ailing economy.


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