Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Gravitane 11, 28.


- Yesterday was unexpectedly exciting. In the morning, Jess decided not to wear her costume to work, and of course, she'd talked me into the effort in the first place, so naturally I wasn't going to wear a costume. Work went well; right now they have me hyperlinking the online database for The Dictionary of Chemistry.
After work I heard David Bradley read from, and comment upon, The Cheneyville Incident, which has been the most exciting reading I've done for school here so far.
Then I went to class where the second installment of Urbantasm (chapters 22-38) were discussed. The reception was a bit warmer, but I'd known it would be since the story there is told in chronological order.
After class was when things got interesting. After class I hung around with Reinhardt, Marco, and Scott, and called Jess. She was just down the street, on 15th and Sixth at the Halloween parade. She'd donned her Corpse Bride costume after all. We met up with Jess and Maria, spent the better part of an hour struggling a down to 3rd and Sixth, and finally got a seat at a Mexican restaurant, where we talked about writing and the workshop. Then, we got up, and Jess and Scott and I walked back to Union Square, and Jess and I took the train home. It was almost two by the time I got to bed.
- New York City on Halloween looks like a snapshot of Mardi Gras in New Orleans. The city has gone crazy. I'm pretty sure that half the eight million people are crammed into the Village, specifically in the vicinity of Sixth Avenue, a good third of them wearing costumes: dumb costumes, clever costumes, ingenious costumes, and risquè costumes. Every reastaurant is stuffed to capacity and cars are hemmed in as the crowds spill off of the sidewalk, filling the entirety of the narrow streets down there. We finally knew it was time to go when a cluster of the NYPD on scooters went head to head with others wearing fake cop uniforms and swine masks.
- Weather. It's clear and hitting seventy in New York. Our brethren in the midwest also have clear skies, but they sit in the mid fifties.
- Sorry that the photos aren't turning up on the Brooklyn post. I hope to have that corrected by tomorrow.
- Happy All Saints day!


What was your most outrageous Halloween adventure ever?



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