Thursday, May 24, 2007

Catsup 13: From Sleepier to Less Sleepy.


As it turns out, what I had just suffered was a one day reprieve in the midst of an otherwise month-long vacation. I mean, yes I had work and everything, but the good times kept coming so fast, it couldn't but feel like a vacation.

On Tuesday I was truly dazed and, frankly, try as I might, I cannot remember much of anything that happened on May 1st. On the 2nd, however, after work I stopped by New School for reasons I cannot remember now, and continued on into Greenwich Village where I saw Sky, for the second time in a week and several hundred miles removed. It was his first time in New York and he'd brought along his lovely girlfriend Emma, whom I'd heard about for months.

We went to a pizza place (which is virtually the only affordable eats along that stretch of Seventh Avenue, and then moved on to a bar where my friend Narissa, a jazz singer, was performing with a band. We stayed through the remainder of her set, and Jared and some other New School students came along. Afterwards, Sky and Emma left me so that they could go pick up their luggage from their last place (at Madison and 60th... what an address) while I went ahead to the apartment to meet Jessica and help her clean. But then, due to a getting lost and a subway mishap, I only got back twenty minutes ahead anyway.

That night, we visited for awhile, but nobody wanted to stay up too late, since practically nobody had gotten enough sleep.

On Wednesday, after work, I ran a few errands, then headed down to Cafe Loup to meet a delegation of New School students hellbent on getting sloshed after handing in their theses. I didn't get sloshed, myself, but I did have a beer and some Maker's Mark, so I was a bit toasty. Always in moments like that, I'm struck by how nice it is to visit without people when there aren't impending deadlines... practically everybody was there, and I talked with Sarah and Julie P and Emily and Jared. Collectively, we contemplated the future. Then quickly moved on to more drinking. Such is the writers way.

I got back home at a little after nine, and we all ate Indian food from Kenara's the uber-affordable-and-nice Indian restaurant that Jess discovered a few months ago. It was great, of course, and there were leftovers. There always are. I don't remember, one way or the other, if we stayed up much later than that, but I made sure to sleep in the next day. Thursday. My last Thursday not working. We got off to a leisurely start, and Sky made Emma and me scrambled eggs. It was well after two by the time we started off toward Prospect Park.

I was less sleepy than I had been before.



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