Friday, September 17, 2004

Back to Canaryville Blues


Well, Euphemism is actually generating some attention these days, though not in any way I had expected.

Apparently Google and Yahoo searches of "Canaryville" take people to the contexts page I provided for "Canaryville Blues," and I've received a flurry of emails ranging from praise to irate.

I've written two statements (the first two "official" statements for Euphemism) to address the issues raised, primarily issues of accurate data and a wholesolme depiction.

Of course, if anyone wants to subsidize Euphemism fully so I can work on it FT (I'll need about $300 a week, at least) I can get data right the first time round. Of course, I've responded to complaints in part by explaining my intention is not a "wholesome depiction."

If you are interested in the Euphemism statements, they are here:

Statement 1: On Fact and Opinion

Statement 2: On why writers should write about places they have not lived. Something I should've noted about 8 years ago.

~ Connor


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