Thursday, November 04, 2004

why W is better than me

EVENT: skyballs

president W is clearly better than i am. here is why:

W was born into the auspices of 1946, just over a year after FDR died in office. america was very socialist-inclined, & coming out of a very successful war campaign, even though we hadnt wanted to fight. the national climate at his birth gave him very good opportunities, which pepper his 58 year [& counting] story. there has been no such favorable climate about america in my lifetime.

W has a wife of 27 years, & they have definitely done "it" at least twice, since they have 2 daughters of different ages. they have also probably done "it" each time W declared himself the winner of an election. they might have also done "it" once for every time W had a person executed while governor of texas. that would be 125 or so times more than i have ever had a chance to do "it."

W had the honor of attending very good schools. the schools admitted him based on his familys reputation - i guess his relatives must have been very good students. according to any public figures who were in school with him, he enjoyed immense popularity there, & was responsible for coordinating parties. this would explain his overwhelming popularity around the world today.

W is not encumbered by any code of ethics. he isnt even restricted by accountability or consistency with past actions. he truly acts on his own immediate interests, & because of that, he is always visibly happy in the moment. many people, like me, who can not shake their awareness of worldcentric ethics admire W for his disposition to act freely from outside pressures.

W is an icon, which means that when he says or does something differently from the rest of the world, it isnt wrong, its just a characteristic. like when he means "nuclear," & never fails to say "nukular." when an average citizen/peon like me makes such an error, i am obligated to live with a title like "uneducated" or "short-bus."

W is now completely identifyable by a single letter of the alphabet. how long did the letter W exist without being inseparably associated with an individual? obviously, W is unprecedented is many ways.


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