Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Noctus 20, 28.


- YESTERDAY - Yesterday I was all but useless. I did manage to print out Lisa's poetry project and some other work, but I didn't get around to reading it. I did some work on the website and did a little shopping, but I think a general lack of sleep had caught up to me. I slept for about two hours, watched some blandish TV, and then slept some more. Hopefully tonight is more productive. I'm going to see the dress rehearsal of Sarah's play.
- WEATHER / GLOBAL WARMING - 67 degrees?! In New York City? In January? This is ridiculous! We're supposed to be entering another ice age about now. I tend to get a little histrionic when I think about the possibility of global warming, not because it's so clearly an inevitability, but that the more I read about the process, the skinnier that particular event horizon seems. When most people think of global catastrophe, they tend to think of a meteor striking the earth and ending the Age of the Dinosaurs. It's easier to overlook an earlier, but much more catastrophic, mass extinction at the end of the Permian Period. It killed off an estimated 99% of organisms, and was most likely nothing but a glorified heat wave. Over the holidays, my father, however, cited an article claiming that the earliest conspicuous shift in Earth's atmosphere due to a human presence dates all the way back to Neolithic times, when forests were burned in Southeast Asia to make way for rice patties. If this is the case, maybe we've already passed the event horizon, the Earth is doomed to vamp Venus, and we should just kick back, put on our sunscreen and shades, and enjoy the time we have left. I'd love to hear Milligan's take on this.
- JANUARY - Is the month of oatmeal.
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY - George Foreman.

"Let the other guy have whatever he wants before the fight. Once the bell rings he's gonna be disappointed anyway." - George Foreman.

What is your most dramatic memory involving either boxing or oatmeal? Details, please.



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