Tuesday, April 11, 2006

In April, 1984.


Don't remember much, although this was drawing near the close of my second and final year at Valley Private School in Grand Blanc Township (today in Flint). My time there was kind of a strange experience, anyway... it was an experimental (and expensive program) where we didn't receive grades but written evaluations and were allowed to choose out own textbooks, given certain limitations.

I think I will assign this month a memory that may have happened at another time: I became particularly excited by some work we were doing in mathematics... it was less advanced than carrying in subtraction, because I learned that while home-schooled. I was so excited that I took the textbook home (which was allowed, but essentially unheard of) so I could continue. The textbook cover had the background of a blue sky with light altocumulus clouds and rows and columns of numbers (all single-digit), metallic-looking, stacked like the chips in a game of Connect Four.

When I finally finished that textbook I was excited to pick out another, though I was slightly dismayed that my classmates and friends had moved on much sooner and some of the girls in the class had torn ahead through several reading books.

I was even more substantially behind on reading.

Where were you in April, 1984?



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