Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Concept: Help: Run a Reading Series for the Gothic Funk Nation.

Next February, the Gothic Funk Nation will launch two monthly reading series (staggered two weeks apart). For the moment we are calling them the Informal Series and the Formal Series. We want you to volunteer to help (and pick out better names for them).

THE FORMAL SERIES (Earshotesque or Bookslutesque):
Needs 3-7 Chicago voluteers who will: Determine a submission protocol, review submissions, solicit "featured readers" and other artists for their involvement, help find and negotiate a venue, schedule readers/performers, promote the reading. We are likely to meet 1-2 evenings per month, plus the reading. We will also have to read/consider submissions outside of our meetings.

THE INFORMAL SERIES (Open-micesque):
Needs 1-3 Chicago volunteers who will: Determine a sign-up protocol, help find and negotiate a venue, schedule readers/performers, promote the reading. We are likely to meet 1 evening per month, plus the reading.

We will not meet as a group before December.
In December we will meet, brainstorm, and hammer out details (submission policies, venue, promotional strategy, etc.)
In January we will coordinate and promote the first installment for February.

This can be a lot of fun... if you like to read, and are looking to get involved in the Gothic Funk Nation in an active but not-too-time-consuming way, this is ideal.

Information on Gothic Funk is available at
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= Connor and Sky

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