Tuesday, November 09, 2004



As soon as Blogger publishes my updates today, you may (or may not) notice some significant changes.

1. I've added links to two blogs, both belonging to close friends:


This blog is maintained by Gemma, and while she's just started it, it looks like she'll be bringing her artistic experiences to bear on both her personal experiences and the world at large. (Does that sound right, Gemma?) It might sound like a narrow field of explorations, but I've seen her tease remarkably universal observations out of seemingly mundane observations on several occasions. This one should be fun to watch.


I've known Michael for seven(?) years, during which time he has demonstrated his genius in finding ways to blow things up, launch them into outer space, or occasionally simply vaporize. He teaches Physics and does grad work at the University of Minnesota, but these days he's in Jerusalem. This blog chronicles his experiences there, and he demonstrates that he can talk about more than science.

2. I've replaced my individual "project" pages with a home page: Here Is No Why.
This is still in rudimentary stages, and so there not much to see here yet.
When I'm further along, I'll move it all to an independent domain name, and will probably move this blog there as well.

3. I've added long-overdue links to the News & Politics sources:

- Links to three liberal rags (Mother Jones - http://www.motherjones.com, The New Republic - http://www.tnr.com, and The Utne Reader - http://www.utne.com) and one moderate (The Economist - http://www.economist.com).

- A link to an additional mainstream news source, BBC NEWS - http://news.bbc.co.uk.

- A link to the US Green party - http://www.gp.org. It has to have been hard to be a Green these past four years, and if there was penance to pay, it's been hard paid... I wonder if this party will ever recover.

4. Miscellaneous

- I purged the link to the Unofficial Vote 4 Nader blog, not because it supported Nader, but because it seems unlikely to be updated now that the election is over.

- I'm retaining all other blogs I linked to this past month.

- I will also allow other contributors to publish EVENT posts through the end of November.

- I repaired the link to Eminem's website - http://www.eminem.com in the Tunes links.

- I posted the first chapter of the Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole, following the links. If you read it and are interested, let me know, and I'll change chapters frequently. Otherwise, it'll probably sit for a week or two.
If you want to read this, you may want to cut and paste into Word or Word Pad. Blue on black can hurt the eyes. ;)

~ Connor


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