Sunday, March 27, 2005

Oneidine 5, 27. Part 1.


- Happy Easter to all of you!
- I'm in a hurry... I usually try to attend church during the Octave of Easter (the first eight days of Easter), but I usually sleep through the first. Today is an exception.
- Last week finished out pretty hectically. Evonne, a coworker, has gotten very sick, so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
- As a result, I am taking on a number of her responsibilities, at least for the next several weeks. I do believe I will be able to continue posting on a daily basis, but it will require a reevaluation of my strategy and may require extensive use of NotePad. The result may be fewer links (such as those provided below).
- On Thursday, I left work at 5:15, hurried back to my apartment, and Jess gave me a ride down to Hyde Park, and attended Holy Thursday at St. Thomas. It's annually one of the most beautiful services there is, and I've written about it here. But this year, I attended alone.
- On Friday, I left work at 1:15, rode down to Hyde Park, and attended the Good Friday Mass. It's a quiet event, concluded by the Veneration of the Cross, where parishioners file to the front and kiss the feet of the crucified Jesus. I left at a few minutes past five.
Jess and I had planned on riding down to Ohio that evening, but her car stalled twice on my in the parking lot, and she was exhausted from working past midnight on several nights. We decided to stay in Chicago. Friday was a relaxing night in. We watched Monk and ate fish and mac and cheese.
- On Saturday, Jess and I spent much of the morning discussing wedding invitations and the like, and we continue to near many solutions. In the evening we went to the Easter Vigil, the most important event in the liturgical year because it celebrates the resurrection of Christ. We'd arranged (last minute) to attend with Tom and his boyfriend, Michael, so we all sat together. We held candles lit for over two hours of the three hour Mass, which involved many unexpected adventures, like reciting the Creed twice, extending the sign of Peace twice, and listening to This Old Man chirp away on someone's cel phone. (This not typical of an Easter Vigil).
But, we had a good time.
Afterwards, we went over to Tom's for coffee and cakes, and after three cups of coffee and three hours of conversation, I was seriously wired. I didn't get in until two in the morning.

More soon!


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