Saturday, May 27, 2006

Trip to Chicago, Part 15. The End of the Trip.


We left the Scavhunt postpart at around elevent and I coaxed Jessica into coming back to the Ukrainian Village with Sam and Sky. Ben came with us, and after stopping by Tom's to pick up the rest of our things, we were packed in the back like salted herring in a tin. Still, I could see the yellow carbon lights along Lake Shore rolling by through the haze, and then the skyscrapers once we'd switched over to the Dan Ryan. Sam dropped Sky, Jess, and I off at the apartment, and we brought our things upstairs. Sky had lost his voice in the last day-and-a-half, but he still managed to stay awake and tell stories for a good half-hour, including an exhortation toward Bill to understand the magnitude of what had just transpired.

Sky went to bed. Sam came home. Jess and I went to bed. The next morning, Sky woke me up before leaving for work, and we said goodbye. Later, Sam and Bill and I went out for breakfast at a nearby diner.

Then, when Sam was ready to leave for work, and we'd gotten our things all packed up, we walked down to Chicago and Western to wait for our bus. We said goodbye to Sam. We caught the bus and took it to 49th street. We got on the Orange Line. We rode it out to Midway Airport. Our flight was delayed so we sat in the terminal and read. I read The Zombie Survival Guide which Sam had lent me. Our flight happened without incident. We got back into New York at after seven at night. We took the bus to the subway, and the subway to Brooklyn. We got Little Louis pizza one block from our apartment. It was a great pizza, but it wasn't Deep Dish. The trip had ended.



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